Layer Cake follows the life of XXXX (Daniel Craig), a nameless drug dealer who keeps the system flowing whilst managing to make his fortune.
XXXX wants out, but it was never going to be that easy as his boss, Jimmy Price
(Kenneth Cranham), has a couple of jobs that need to be done. First of all, the daughter of mob boss Eddie Temple (Michael Gambon) has managed to get hooked on drugs and is nowhere to be seen; Jimmy tells XXXX to find
the girl and bring her back before Eddie's men get involved. The second job centres around ecstasy dealer Dragan (Dragan Micanovic) who has had a large shipment robbed by Duke (Jamie Foreman); Jimmy needs XXXX to get the ecstasy back to
Dragan, however Duke isn't going to easily sell and Dragan's patience is wearing thin. In attempting to complete these final jobs, XXXX is unsure whether he'll be able to get out of this business alive.
Layer Cake opens, much like crime sensations Casino and Goodfellas, to narration, and in this case, narration from Daniel Craig. What allows this film the be the success it is, is Craig. He portrays a man intelligent in his surroundings, knowing that he is running a business, aware of the job that needs to be done and that although he is breaking the law, if he does his job properly and efficiently, there will be no problems. Craig perfectly conveys these feelings throughout the film, oozing the determination that will hopefully lead to the retirement he always wanted. This film was the perfect audition for Bond, and through watching Layer Cake you can see why he was given the role.
First time director Matthew Vaughn (producer on Lock, Stock and Snatch) takes the reigns on this project due to Guy Ritchie's busy schedule, and proves that he belongs in the directors chair. Although the film doesn't have the same spark as Snatch or Lock, Stock, I feel that that is partially down to the script which at times becomes too long-winded and tries to over complicate itself. Nonetheless, it makes up for any frailties with a top draw ending.
Stylish and slick from a killer Daniel Craig.
one of personal favourate 007.bonds films..