Thursday, 21 February 2013

Lincoln - 2013 - Daniel Day-Lewis

A highly polished, yet dull, picture.

The first thing that I can say about this movie is that it is not exciting. The acting, however, is terrific. Also, the filming is top draw (including a colour saturation pulled back to give it an old look without seeming affected). Technically the film is of expert quality, that which has come to be expected from a Spielberg picture.
Two areas define this film for what it is. Firstly, the acting. Daniel Day-Lewis' portrayal of Abraham Lincoln is overwhelming to say the least, leading an audience to forget that he is acting; adding verisimilitude to the role. Tommy Lee Jones also gives a solid performance as Thaddeus Stevens, playing the role with a slightly troubled demeanour.

The second area that defines this film is its content. The movie centres around Lincoln attempting to pass the 13th amendment, which would lead to the abolition of slavery. Although sounding like a good base to start from, the movie focuses solely on this matter which becomes extremely tedious to watch. The content in this film is highly conversational, and not in a way which has worked so well for the likes of Quentin Tarantino. Tarantino's films are based on their impressive dialogue, yet are sprinkled with outrageous action. Lincoln fails to deliver any action that would keep an audience interested for two and a half hours. The seemingly endless courtroom ramblings engulf the whole film, leaving no room for any action from the Civil War, or even the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. 

Technically, a solid film, yet its story leaves something to be desired. Watch it for an outstanding acting display, but have an energy drink beforehand.



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